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              About Iboga


The root bark of the Tabernathe Iboga plant, also known as The Wood' is central to the Bwiti  spiritual practice in West Central Africa  mainly Gabon, Cameroon  and the Republic of Congo and has been consumed for hundreds of years. Initiates of this practice take Iboga in massive doses, usually at night, as a rite of passage and to promote radical spiritual growth, stabilize the community and to heal deep-seated problems. It is also taken in micro doses on a regular basis, especially in connection with rituals, birth and tribe gatherings. After decades of legal challenges and persecution by the French colonial courts, in 2000, The Republic of Gabon's government set up measures to protect the continued existence of the Bwiti spiritual practice with Iboga, while also declaring it as a national treasure.


Like all spiritual practices, the journey with Iboga is an inner one that presents an opportunity to go deeper and beyond your personal stories and egos. Iboga sets the symbolic process of dying in motion. You prepare to say goodbye to the old and to welcome the new.  


Compared to a stern but loving grandfather, Iboga is not interested in your stories nor does it allow you to hide behind the veils of illusion. Iboga will help you face and free yourself from the ego's defense mechanisms, blockages and negative patterns that no longer serve you.


It brings you back to your true nature, which is quiet and still, while also providing you with the insight to transform your daily life in a practical and profound way. Many have described this profound experience as the defragmentation of your hard disc and resetting the software.


Tabernanthe Iboga   is a  perennial rainforest shrub  and  psychedelic  native to western Central Africa. 
In parts of Africa where the plant grows, the bark of the root is chewed for ritualistic purposes.
  Normally growing to a height of 2  m, Iboga  may eventually grow into a small tree  up to 10  m tall, given the right conditions. It has small green leaves. It's flowers  are white and pink, while the fruits  can be either an elongated oval shape, or a round spherical shape, both having an orange color. Its yellow-colored roots contain a number of alkaloids.  The root material, bitter in taste.


About Iboga


Iboga has proven useful in the following areas:

·       Processing karma

·       Clearing family patterns; connection with ancestors

·     Get insight  from addictions

·       Freeing yourself from negative thought and behavioral patterns

·   Cleaning your Pineal gland

·       Reaching inner peace and higher consciousness

.   Resetting receptor sites on cells in your body and brain and resetting the mind of cellular memory

.   De-armouring themselves

.   Acceptance

.   Reminding you of your natural state, your Origin


*The natural root bark of Iboga has been shown to do work on the pineal gland, which is the second highest organ, which receives blood-flow in the body. It overall detoxes the fluoride and mercury in your body.


The effects after an Iboga ceremony are various. Some report an immediate powerful and grounded energy, a lot of action-potential, fast decision-making, and an ease to accomplish things. This is often combined with a very clear mind and strong awareness.

Some people report feeling deeply tired, they sleep for  10-14 hours . When you have exhausted yourself for a long time, sleep will help you recover and heal.


In this center we choose to work traditionally with the whole root of  Iboga   

The journey with Iboga is an inner one.  

A lot of people who have done the work with Iboga speak of a deep and profound feeling of inner healing, focus , awareness and inner  silence.  This makes the effectiveness of Iboga so profound

-  Expending your consciousness  -

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